Leadership is about LIFE

Have you heard the quote, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” by John Maxwell? Well, now you have! It is reinforcement that a leader can literally be anyone! You don’t have to be famous to be a leader.

Great leaders make impacts on those around them in a positive way. Leadership is about LIFE.

LISTEN – Leaders listen. They are not waiting for the other person to stop talking so they can respond. They are actually seeking to understand what the speaker is saying. It is a skill that takes practice.

INVEST – We talked about this in last week’s post so I will try not to be too redundant. I am not talking about investing in your qualified or non-qualified plan. I am talking about investing in yourself and investing in those around you. Take the time to learn more about those around you and what others need from you. We all have value. Everyone is on a different journey so we can all take the time to learn from those around us.

FAIL – If you don’t fail at something, how will you learn? Failing is how you grow and get stronger. Let people see how you react to failing. You are, after all, human. People want to see their leader recover from failure. It makes you human and relatable. It provides a level of inspiration that they can accomplish obstacles too.

ELEVATE – Leaders elevate others. They foster environments for those around them to achieve greatness. They provide the platform for others to find their strengths and help them elevate them into skills. Leaders surround themselves with great people.

Anyone can be a leader. YOU can only control yourself and how you respond to others. Make your engagements with others a pleasant and memorable experience. Leadership is about LIFE.

Make an impact.

— Kat & Ashleigh
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