Working remotely—in and out of crisis

With social distancing at an all-time high, thanks to COVID-19, it’s time for companies to consider working remotely! Many industries have the ability to work remotely if technology is used efficiently and effectively. A few things to consider as you are setting up your remote company, or said differently our ‘new normal’:

  1. Space.  Where will you and your employees work? Discuss with your team the importance of creating a clean, quiet, and effective space to ensure productivity. A kitchen table, a folding card table or even your kitchen table, all work. Consider throwing a few Amazon boxes on the table to create a DIY stand up desk. Make sure to get comfortable without being on your couch. 
  2. Hardware. Does your company have laptops or desktops? If you have a laptop, great. All staff can take those home. If you only have desktops, then pack them up! If you have multiple screens, allow your staff to take those home too.  

TIPS:  When the COVID-19 crisis is over, replace your company desktops with laptops. Much easier to implement in your business continuation plan.   Consider labeling your technology hardware with your company name and a number system. You want to keep track of company hardware that is removed from the office and ensure all is returned post coronavirus. 

  • Internet. Communication is important! Make sure to discuss with your employees their internet availability at home. Be mindful that not everyone has highspeed, unlimited or access to the internet. Be as accommodating as possible and understand the situation. 
  • Phone System. As you are forwarding calls from the office to your staff’s cell phones, be mindful. Not everyone has unlimited calls or data and you need to be respectful of that. If you don’t already have an accommodating phone system, please investigate this ASAP.  There are options out there. What is an accommodating phone system? A phone system that is built to work remotely. One that forwards calls to your computer, so you don’t even have to use your cell phone. One that even texts clients from your computer. Yes, it’s possible. Make sure to do your due diligence prior to purchasing. They are an investment. 
  • Software. Are you ready to share documents remotely? Are you ensuring that your customer’s data is sent securely over your email platform?  Most importantly, how you are communicating with your staff throughout the day?  Just like your phone system, make sure to do your due diligence on the proper software. There are endless integrations and automations that will make your remote life much easier.  Let technology work for you, not against you.   

TIP: Look at software such as for sharing documents, do research on your secure mail options because it will depend on your mail platform, and for communicating with your team remotely, check out

Use this time as an opportunity to adapt and advance. Improve and test your ability to work remotely. It will allow you to be better prepared. Let’s be honest, hurricane season is right around the corner. 

Please know we are here to help you as we all navigate these uncharted seas. Be safe, stay healthy, and wash your hands!

— Kat & Ashleigh
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