
Why SOP Manuals Are No Joke

Learn the Truth Behind Every Small Business’s Need for a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual from Outsourcing Pros Kat & Ashleigh.

Tips for Developing Your Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual

1. Write down everything you do. 

Not only will this help you start creating your manual, but it will also help you develop an outline for the table of contents. 

2. Schedule time to assess and update your manual. 

Our businesses are ever-changing, requiring us to update procedures and policies annually, if not quarterly.

3. Take advantage of tools like Trainual.

Trainual helps you create a searchable, trackable SOP manual that your employees can access anywhere with a mobile app. 

4. Add helpful notes.

If a process continues to evolve, include a note in your manual telling employees to seek further clarification from their manager. 

5. Add videos.

Video instructions can enhance your manual with action-oriented demonstration. Also, we encourage clients to include a welcome or another appropriate message from the founder. 

For more information about our SOP manual services, email us at info@allorasg.com.

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