A reputable and rapidly growing medical practice in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, needed assistance hiring several new employees and outsourced the task to us. They wanted to streamline their hiring process, starting with two newly created positions and two vacancies resulting from one employee’s career change and another’s retirement.
What had always been a daunting exercise for the practice became a seamless, satisfying process and one less thing to worry about.
To deliver a successful outsourcing solution, we created and refreshed job descriptions, interviewed current employees to understand the expectations of each new role, set job targets, and got to work identifying and interviewing talent.
We took the guesswork out of the experience by putting a process in place to provide reliable guidance for both staff and interviewees. We made introductions to qualified candidates, fostered open dialogue, and checked in weekly to ensure good hires.
A positive experience with their hiring needs led the medical practice to outsource its social media management to us too. Because they were interested in expanding their reach, we developed a strategy that aligned with their business goals and created weekly content to engage new and existing patients.
Historically, more than 50% of our clients have outsourced their hiring needs to us; at least 25% have gone on to outsource an additional critical task.